It blowed, Joey. Blowed AND sucked.
Aw hell naw.
No, Usk.
Mother fhqwhgas, the harshest of Welsh nuns.
Sometime it hurts to hear that.
I think he means TV.
Charles Baker gets briefly excited before re-reading name of show.
You had to shoe-horner that one in somewhere, didn't you?
Check out Black Heart Procession - start at the start with A Three Song Recording and see where they take you.
Well, that escalated quickly.
It's like they're trying to get a rise out of you. Can't they elevate the discourse? And give everyone a lift?
Was I chanelling Macfarlane? That was as unintentional as it was regrettable.
No, in the toilet.
I just curled out a turd in the shape of Mohammed.
Sniding All Over
Oh, I get both things.
Heart On, Zipper Down… Death by Sexy.