I'll argue that their collective output in the first half of the 90s was indeed epic but the quality of their collective output in the second half of the 90s was the polar opposite. Which averages out to: fine.
I'll argue that their collective output in the first half of the 90s was indeed epic but the quality of their collective output in the second half of the 90s was the polar opposite. Which averages out to: fine.
90s industrial music was fine.
It can be etc etc.
Looks like he'll ge taking a holiday… in jail.
There can be two ways.
The Beatles? #sickringoburn #downvotemeforhashtaguseidontcare
Another kind?
Hired goons?
"Babylon 5 is a pile of shit."
You mispelt…
This guy doesn't.
This guy gets it.
A woman suffering on TV at the hands of a man? Where? WHERE?
"Former and Future"
"South Jersey's repuation is distorted and undeserved!" - no-one, ever
How can the same fabulously remunerative shit happen to the same guy 75-80 times?
A career and a hobby.
You misspelt 'clitoris'.