It can be two things

Forty-nine thousand acres of nothing but scenery and statues.

There are two reasons why I'm crying right now.

Season 2 of the Tracey Ullman show.

Well son, a funny thing about regret is that it is better to regret
something that you have done than to regret something you haven't done.

*Reverse dolly zoom on my face when I see that SyFy had 97 million subscribers as of the end of 2013, Comcast reported net income of $13.6 billion for that year*

Touché, Mr Chip. Touché.

It's spelt 'against'.

It's spelt 'whomsoever'.

Fact: if SyFy doesn't keep moving forward with shitty projects it dies.

It can be- awwwww….

… where time becomes a loop…

… where time becomes a loop…

… where time becomes a loop…

… where time becomes a loop…

… where time becomes a loop…

… where time becomes a loop…

There is the theory of the mobius… a twist in the fabric of space where time becomes a loop.

"I'm out… of ALL vital fluids."

The law is ass.

Ah, that's right - Irish and EXTRA Irish. Thanks for the nudge, @Dikachu:disqus