It can be two things

Eat up Martha knows no highs or lows.

That's… that's the joke.

He's the King of Limp.

Sounds like this could be fun after a few beers.

You can't do eeeet.

It can be two things.

My proverbial lion failed to dine upon government advisor (later prophet) Daniel.

Study Heroes And Zero Acheivement Materializes.

How do you know-

Snow joke.

You know, if you wrote one.

Patton, you magnificent bastard. I would read your book.

I believe it will not be released piece by picee but dumped like a whole bucket a stars into the universe.

He gets glasses? TWIST - they age him terribly.

The Simpsons ended in May 1998.

I'd say that the formal ambition in 1,000 Autumns is less foregrounded than in it is Cloud Atlas but is still there. The book is a romance*, an adventure novel*, a political intrigue* and a bildungsroman* of sorts - but Mitchell does not take pains to make each of these explicit.

"It can be two things."

*Shamefacedly straps self into fiendish device, turns on industrial laser, expects self to die*

This never happened to the other guy.

Well, they are hobbit-forming.