It can be two things

… as is "… you don't just want to pull the trigger, you want to put the knife in
me, and look me in the eye, and see what's going on in there when you
turn it, that's what you want to do, right"

"Bennett, stop screwing around and let the girl go, it's me that you want,… you can beat me."


So it looks like my constant refreshes have helped her earn 0.02 cents while I learned that chicken fries are a thing that exist and that they're back and that I should join the party, possibly a party where there are chicken fries. What a day this is turning out to be.

Gee you've got a big pussy. Gee you've got a big pussy.

By Christ, I need some new material.

More like Cameron Exhibito, amirite?

Thanks to Disqus, it's eminently possible that there are four of us.

Hmmm… can you explain?

Because of the explaining.

More like Cameron Exposito, amirite?

Egotistically upvoted.

It's a mural dilemma.

"Either Terry Gilliam was the victim of a gypsy curse in his youth or he needs to get his act together."

Hmm, this a tough call.



"I beseech thee to run… go… hie thee to the stagecoach!"

Two things, two things.

Pfft - maybe five minutes ago it could, grandpa.