I fully expect Mr Tomsula to show up at my door in the next few months selling steaks out of the back of a 2001 Buick Century. I’ll probably buy a few because he looks like a guy you can trust to sell you steak.
I fully expect Mr Tomsula to show up at my door in the next few months selling steaks out of the back of a 2001 Buick Century. I’ll probably buy a few because he looks like a guy you can trust to sell you steak.
Pacman Jones was just “being rebellion”. I’m sure he’ll take himself to the “scrip club” later on tonight and do his best to forget about it.
Oh, I’m sorry princess. Did I offend your delicate sensibilities? Run off to your safe zone now. Shoo.
So, someone is putting a gun to her head and forcing her to work for a paltry 20 million? Is that what you are implying? That she didn’t willingly accept the money she was offered to perform? That she wasn’t allowed to negotiate her pay scale just the same as the male talent? Seems to me that if she, or any other…
Because either she, or her representation, is a shitty negotiator. She says as much in the article.
According to the linked story he’s already been arrested for armed robbery.
You know, if Obama had a son he’d look like this kid I bet.
Yes, I’m sure it was incredibly rough for her only earning 1000 x what the average working American made last year. Hopefully someone will set this tortured soul up a gofundme page or something. Hell, if things don’t pick up soon she might have to start taking loads on the face professionally instead of just for…
Yeah! Burn down what few shitty businesses exist in your third world shit hole corner of the city! That’ll show em! And when it’s all over they can live in even worse conditions! Brilliant! And it will be the little corner markets and the like that suffer. It won’t be places the rich or middle class shop. So, yes, let…
I know, right? They should just say “fuck the facts of the case” and instead worry about how a group of poorly behaved savages with an impulse control deficiency are going to respond. Who cares about actual guilt or innocence when there is a mob that needs a good quelling.
A 4 player MAME cabinet with a trackball