
Een if it means a senile perv with no chance of beating Trump becomes the nominee?

Good lord. If Biden gets nominated, the general is gonna be a bloodbath. The media's not gonna brush his senility or his compulsive lying/creepiness under the rug like it has during tje primaries.

He wasn’t gonna win left-leaning voters with Sanders are Warren in the race. The moderate lane was probably a smarter choice given the main competition is senile, but his toxicity among voters of color was just a death sentence no matter what he did.

Progressives don’t take superPAC money or build their strategy on foiling the voters’ will and getting nominated via shady nackroom deals (and barring a truly extraordinary shakeup, that’s the only way she could possibly win.) Anyone who cares about defeating Trump and ensuring healthcare and education for all needs

1) All the polls I’ve seen show Sanders won among black voters under 45. And a majority of SC voters who chose Biden say they

I’ve travelled with my cat several times, but he’s a great traveler and only meowed once during landing, so not sure how useful my experience would be for you. Get linings for the crate in case they have an accident, talk to your vet about sedation and be ready to get the stink eye for a while.

I'd never listened to Bad Bunny, but gotta respect him for this.

That's dumb


Bc that was before she went on her temper tantrum tour and pissed off everyone to the left of McCaskill. And because there’s a war for the soul of the Democratic party, and if the good guys wanna win it, they have to fight back against the Clintonite scumbags.

And you have evidence they won’t re-elect her?

Buttigieg wildly outperformed every poll and announced himself as the winner before any results were announced; these results are also way different from the ones reported by sanders’ camp (who built a parallel vote tallying system bc they anticipated shenanigans with the app). The most likely explanation is

M4A is the only feasible way to ensure everyone has healthcare and no one goes into debt bc of medical bills. It's also wildely popular and easy to understand. America is ready for M4A; our corrupt politicians aren't.

Criticize him all you want. But be prepared to be criticized or booed in response.

Tlaib has not ruined her career. The kind of people who are actually mad at her were never gonna vote for an outspoken, left-leaning Palestinian woman anyway.

Because it´s pretty galling to see someone screw up the ´16 election, then try to sabotage the candidate most likely to fix her mistake. Even though Sanders endorsed Clinton then campaigned vigorously for her in the general, for Clinton and many of her more die-hard followers, Sanders has become the scapegoat for her

What senior citizen chain mail did you get that gif from?

No, that´s how people who don´t like Sanders tend to portray his politics. Look at his campaign platform, it´s very clearly not a class reductionist document. He specifically addresses distinct challenges and oppressions that different groups face. He´s a believer in intersectionality, the idea that oppressions are

I love the Heisenberg´s Bernie that the anyone but Bernie crowd has come up with: simultaneously doctrinaire and inflexible and yet lacking all integrity and consistency.