Italicized Comma

That would work too.

Oh, I agree. But I think they chose a bad one on purpose - playing it for laughs. I lol'ed.

I don't know Clark Gregg (don't watch that much TV) but you will have a hard time convincing me that anyone could have played Ben Linus better than Michael Emerson.

Watson's was a lot more natural looking - Reese's didn't look much better than the one Sherlock drew on himself - but I think Reese would wear it better if he had one less fake-looking. I agreed with all the characters telling Watson that it wasn't working for him. Martin Freeman already looks a little older than he

That isn't how grief works… I am glad Reese has moved on from sulking over a bottle, but I expect and wish to see Carter's loss referenced from time to time. It's fine as long as it's brief and doesn't interrupt what's going on too much.

Person of Interest is one of my favorite shows, so now you're making me ask, which ex-CIA assassin would win a fight, Mary Watson or John Reese?

I don't have a theory, but I would point out that we haven't been shown an answer to how Sherlock faked his death that we can take as definitely the true explanation. So possibly the explanation for that will also explain whatever is going on with the alleged return of Moriarty.

I wanted to do things to her but I'm not sure we are thinking of the same kinds of things. I'm thinking, well, the kinds of things Molly would want to do to her if she knew about it. When I saw that scene earlier, on the website, I thought, surely not, he's got to be faking it for some reason, but just in case he

I found that level of terror almost too much to watch. Michael Emerson is so good at that.

I enjoyed this episode so much overall that I was sort of wanting to not even bring this up, but am I the only one who had some issues with the whole Finch-lands-plane-by-remote thing? If they hadn't established that Finch had at least flown some sort of plane before, then I'd have been here worrying about

I kept thinking that in some ways she would make a good addition to the PoI team. She demonstrated good instincts - she picked up something off about Carlos, she could tell Reese was BS'ing her, and she was rightly suspicious about the number of suddenly "sleeping" people around Reese. Yet she also correctly concluded

And given the level of angst Nathan and then Finch had over not helping the irrelevant numbers - if that were me I wouldn't let the machine tell me about the others. It would only be depressing. And I'm glad Reese never thought that - not only is it just "delaying the inevitable," it's also only a drop in the bucket

I hope the plot involves the Westminster dog show so that there can be some canine supermodels for Bear. :-)

I have nothing against scantiness, but for a dressing room montage I'd be more interested in the effect of the clothes. Thing is, Reese always wears the exact same suit, so it would be a pretty short montage unless Gianni can convince him to try something new.

I didn't either. There were two guns missing, and now I wonder if maybe he slipped the other one to his cartel colleague - who simply never had a chance to use it, since he tried the quieter method first and then suffered the wrath of Reese before he could try anything else.

Ha. Your ice pick just made me think: Root needs something like that chip to allow her to talk to The Machine without relying on a phone, important ear bones, etc. So if she could just go forcefully extract Holloway's chip the way the bad guys were threatening to do, and then do some typical Root nastiness to get that

Oh yeah. For one thing, almost anyone, on almost any subject, is more honest than Ben Linus. And if the Machine told Root to stand in Times Square and set herself on fire, she would probably do it without even asking why. If Jacob told Ben to do that, maybe he would, but at the least he'd probably have to be

I watched it again and I think you are right. When Finch said "and sometimes great loss," Reese got that look people sometimes get when they are trying to keep from crying. Then when Finch said "I miss her dearly, too," for just a second I thought he was talking about Grace, and though he obviously meant Carter, I

She is a great character, an interesting character. Not a great person, but a much more interesting villain than you sometimes get.

It's more like my unemployment is strong, so I have had time to rewatch all 3 seasons very recently. The only reason I remembered Hanford is that I had recently read about it on Wikipedia, so it stuck. I can't remember the other two places on the map, other than they were in the west.