Guilt-Free Italian Soda

Oh look ANOTHER blog post of DOOM from HamNo. The guy who predicted open armed conflict in the streets a few months back with a picture of a car firebecause the Apocalypse was officially here. Does Hamilton even work at an office? He writes like he’s in a candle lit fallout bunker surrounded by ammo boxes filled with

I don’t think they realize who’d they get in place of Kavanaugh if they are successful.  They will have plenty of time to confirm someone else even if this “blue wave” hits.  Good luck trying to tear down someone like Amy Coney Barrett.

Ah motherfucker. And I even saw a comment calling him out on Splinter. Whoops.

Isn’t the entire point that your boss knows? That you’re disrupting something?

That is awesome. Wish I could join you all in solidarity!

America is over. It’s now owned by Trump and the GOP. Will all be enslaved if we’re not white and Christian. 

It's 4D chess on Rosenstein's part.

It’s not.

“Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I’ll most likely kill you in the morning.”

I’ll make sure to inform the Bernie Bois the next time I meet them.

I don’t think I could have come up with a more troll retort.