Guilt-Free Italian Soda

It is not possible to directly observe a black hole. To buy the “black holes exist” narrative you must take a leap of faith from “evidence indicates” to “black holes exist.”

He’s little more than a professional analogy crafter.

Totes.  Hey did you notice that we both have the same avatars?  Pretty random.

Hola, Italian national here and you most probably have not heard about what is happening in Italy but it is very close to what is happening in America so let me share with you. Everyone says we need migrants for so long. This is all everyone says ever. Need them and want them and please, won’t you join us here in

You just don’t get it, do you?  I’m trying to start a civil war here bubba.  And once that starts, while everyone is going nuts and fortifying urban centers I shall be stealing historical amounts of livestock for the farm I am building in  Iowa.  Going to have a huge meat party.

I sit here confused. Things I thought were true I now see are false. A single, wordy infographic has turned my world upside down.

God you sound just like Trumpy. And stop implying that America is a nation with borders and laws and whatever. America is just a set of ideals, open to all. It’s also an experiment going terribly wrong. It’s also kind of like the world’s country, if you know what I mean. It’s like Grand Central Station in beautiful

Sorry just a little peeved this morning.  It was her turn. 

God you Bernie types are awful. Always crying about the wealth gap while using all the products and services that create it.

FYI - Russian bots are pushing this infographic on Twitter. They’re scared.

Universal Healthcare. Repeal 2A. Universal Basic Income. Open Borders. Equal Pay. Remove Assad. Equality. NAFTA/TPP. Arab Spring. Remove Electoral College. Voter Rights. LGBTQ Positive Action. And so much more...

Honestly don’t care whether the accusations against Kavanaugh are fiction or non, I just don’t want him on the Supreme Court.  

Gonna be pretty upset if Alex Jones is right about Mueller using the guise of investigating Trump to go after Obama and Clinton people in order to clear his name with respect to his involvement in Uranium One, which I think was just a made up story by Trump. That sealed indictment list is probably fake but spooky