
Do the math: 3 vaccine deaths worldwide > 2.5M covid deaths.

Update: it’s a rolling count.

This dude’s gonna do more work in 100 days than Trump did all his life.

Just rebrand as Crunch Pockets.

This fool shot himself in both of his feet while they were in his mouth.

Yeah, lol, Telegram is based in Dubai, the gold-standard for free-speech and human rights protections. Lol.


That’s in their own paranoid heads.

Thank you.

Well, at least the Dems have stopped fighting with each other.

I think that people who know Santa Monica, would recognize it being near the pier, and people who don’t know wouldn’t give a shit. Then I guess there’s the pedants.

It’s because coffee actually does taste like shit, but you’re addicted to caffeine, so you’re jonesing for that first cup and it tastes sublime. Then the second cup, you’re already sated, and you can taste that you been drinking burnt asshole.

Does it still smell like ass, like cauliflower normally does?

You’re talking to a racist troll.

Yeah, there will “lone wolf” attacks on soft targets all over the place.

The Promenade is in the background.

Jesus, the event on January 6th was just a warm-up.

Garland ain’t chopped liver either.

Sorry wrong thread.