Their fried chicken is legit and the only thing they can boast about doing better than diznee down the street. That said HELL NO.
Their fried chicken is legit and the only thing they can boast about doing better than diznee down the street. That said HELL NO.
I think Melania summed up the meaning of “it is what it is” best:
*Cue Saved By The Bell Intro*
It’s also the amount of caffeine we drink (i.e. way too much to be healthy). Since one can develop a caffeine tolerance, starting kids off on that unhappy road early is a terrible idea.
The main reason for kids not to consume coffee is because of the side-effects and because high-doses of caffeine can be toxic:
That’s okay, make room in your diet for the better snack: Gansitos.
Just 499 more to go, Joan.
Psst... “whites” and the concept of modern races didn’t exist until the Reconquista, although they were classified as “castes” and not racial hierarchies (that would be a few centuries later). So, no, the Romans did consider themselves “white”. They were Romans first and foremost and all other affiliations were not…
That “B” can easily turn into an “F,” just saying....
As if we needed more incentive to vote his ass out, now you’re dangling the possibility that he’ll end up in jail after the election? Count me in twice.
I smell a lawsuit brewing.
Oh, you’re a Clippers fan. lol
Is this because everyone in Utah is quarantining together in the same compounds?
I think she just picked the wrong one on Twitter.
Ah, yes, the old “don’t read on me” defense.
Yeah, so sad you can’t cyberstalk this 17-year-old, buddy.
Just wait until she starts college.
They’re too busy fighting Walmart greeters over face masks.
As sad as I felt for his kids watching this, it was absolutely necessary to see this so people can see the true state of this man’s mind.
This is like that Joaquin Phoenix documentary, right?
Costco’s usually about quality and not variety. Except for their produce. They seem to just let that shit rot in the warehouse at my local shop. I have to dig down to find the newer boxes. That tells me they bother to restock, but don’t bother to throw away the shit that’s spoiling.