
We don’t like the devil’s horns here.

You know it was the show’s fault. Cops can’t read.

I thought it was so you could read the label while you drank it, but who doesn’t pour a good beer into a glass?

He probably thought it was a Punisher mask, tbh. Which has its own association with cops, but that’s a different matter.

Exactly. Who gives a shit what they call it in France? Our marketing geniuses in America have forever labeled this a chocolate croissant.


When does the album come out? Because that’s the Birthday Party primaries. Boycott that shit.

I hope his son recovers...

Nah, could you warn someone a little less blood-thirsty than the Mexica? Thanks,

Yeah where’s the kickstarter?

Lol, sure, hoss.

Because this is the internet goddamit.

From the top, not from the bottom. I’m not excusing anything Cannon says, nor was Michael (although I’m not speaking for him, either). The point he appears to be making, and on which I agree is this: what else do you expect from America? This is a racist fucking country. We are swimming in it, breathing it in,

Are you privy to the contract with Cannon’s production company and the network that you can be so certain that he doesn’t own shit? He wasn’t a contractor, he was a producer.

Uh, that’s kind of how intellectual property ownership works. 

At this point it’s obvious that these efforts are intended to take advantage of the disease’s impact on BIPOC folks.  Protect yourself, because no one else is going to. 

what about this: it’s not whataboutism. No one is letting Cannon slide, he’s getting his. It’s about prioritizing threats. Cannon isn’t rounding up folks and putting them in camps. Cannon isn’t sending federal troops to squelch protests, violent or not. Cannon isn’t shit is the point, dumbass.

It’s obviously going to be Tammy Duckworth unless some Illinois cop kills someone and Klobuchars her chances.

Right? That photo above is like he watched Undercover Brother and thought it was a documentary.

The point is he didn’t say anything different than what the President and his nutjob followers are saying. He just said it for a different audience, and, you know, without the platform of the United States government. But sure, let’s spend more than the minute he deserves on Nick Cannon.