I mean they could have used the Hopi name for swastika, but I bet they couldn’t be bothered to look it up. (Neither can I, btw.).
I mean they could have used the Hopi name for swastika, but I bet they couldn’t be bothered to look it up. (Neither can I, btw.).
You don’t say...
No pictures, because fuck the trolls but..
I actually have a pretty sweet setup now compared to the kitchen nook I had originally set up when we all thought this was going to be temporary. Not as sweet as my electric standing desk, triple-monitor, private, glass-enclosed cube that I had at the office, but it’s not just…
I mean this request was coming from Ford’s employees, the people most likely to lose their jobs if they did this. So, maybe read the article?
I think he meant Afghanistan, or Iraq.
He got them all right!
Radical left-leaning weather patterns.
Maybe he’ll die of a broken heart.
Fuck this guy, too. Shooting a music video at a BLM protest, he’s not exactly principled.
OTA = over the air.
This is the song that turned my life around and got me off the streets.
Once I realized bangin’ was wack, I dropped that shit and became a respectable member of society.
Does Univision not count as a network? Because even in chalky-ass Portland we can catch that OTA.
It was designed by the PRC to quickly identify those who swam against the groupthink. The tik tok algorithms adapt to your preferences, so it creates a situation where people snitch on themselves if they prefer non-conforming content.
It’s funny that you frame it with that language, since cancel culture uses the tools of moral panic, too. The difference is that cancel culture, for the most part, turns the tables onto those who have traditionally used moral panic to silence others.
It’s a return to hissing. They should be glad we got rid of stockades.
This is the face of man who has laughed at one too many racist jokes by his white partner.
They should just splice in clips from the old show and make the show about what happens when a Black family moved into the Arnold’s neighborhood. Let’s see those wonder years.
He’s making the point that this stupidity has real-world consequences, and isn’t just more consipiracy theory shitposting.
What if, bear with me, we put confederate flags on masks?
It solves two problems:
Wait, she’s only 23? The fuck did I do with my life....