
There’s better.

They quarantined together. Couldn’t leave. So, probably were just as safe as all of us stuck at home.


She’s probably got diabetes and missing all her teeth from all the Coke she became addicted to at such a young age. Oh, you mean, is she still cool? Probably when she’s not having low blood sugar.


You know, there might be something to this space thing. Covid-19 can’t survive in space, so maybe we should all move there. Starting with the WH administration, who can lead by example.

If anything you ever say or think or do in life ends with the statement “Hitler was right”, you just might be wrong.

We need a Museum of Ignominy on the National Mall. We could fill it with all these statues and folks can line up to piss on them.

Fuck that, this guy should be the Secretary of Defense. All the fucking Trump rats would bail.

Obviously this is a hoax.

Sexy Trump with Coronovirus”

Turning off the comment section.

The solution is obvious: she’s going to dump his literal-minded ass.

Nobody asked him the real question:

I’m not taking anything for granted until this motherfucker is having a stroke back at Trump tower the day after Biden get’s inaugurated. 

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has tested positive for covid-19"

Yeah, that’s the first red flag and it’s intentional.


I feel threatened by your logic.

Take the cash grab as a positive sign. They all want to make their bucks while he’s still relevant, which he won’t be after he gets crushed on election night.