She’s a legacy model. I mean, come on, those genes.
She’s a legacy model. I mean, come on, those genes.
Woah, woah, who said they was dating? They’re acquaintances with benefits.
It’ll be 15 silver dragons if you bundle it with the raven and courier service.
So this is like a super team up all the Time Warner IP under one OTT pipeline, which, yawn.
Stick to *checks notes* “slots.”
This seems odd. Were they celebrating the opening of a Wegman’s for being a Wegman’s or Wegman’s for being a grocery story that two adults could walk side-by-side down the same aisle?
That’s the new Press Secretary.
No but they’ll move in with their waifus.
Stick to *checks notes* “sprouts.”
The gist is: if California burns down, the rest of the country is fucked.
He’s probably on the very short list to replace the GOT goofballs for new Star Wars shite.
I’ll tell you what’s going on.
The real crime may be calling this “southern” bbq.
Look, I don’t ever want to side with Fuckerberg on anything, but if Faux News gets to exist, why doesn’t Fauxbook?
Stick to *checks notes* “shorts.”
It’s the portion size. This type of hot chocolate should be like an espresso.
It was the Mary Kay lady and that husband was PISSED by how much money his wife spent.
Read this with a “scary music” playlist from your streaming service.....if you dare.
Just in time for Dia De Los Muertos (de Hambre).