
Davidson doesn’t even has first ring yet, though. A little early to be comparing them. Need to wait for his other marriages.

Lol, not if MericaMax has anything to say about it.

Hopefully this will make it more visible and easier to shoot down.

That is some excellent design right there.

This ain’t Weiner Circle.

Cops are racist from sea to shining sea, bruh. That ain’t no revelation.

Just watch, Trump will now declassify all the CIA files on these assassinations to bolster Putin’s distraction.

It was a solid concept except for the kids part and the restaurant part. Just open a fudge potshop and be done with it. 

That’s not its natural habitat, though, so you end up endangering the rat. Better to flush it down the toilet so it can find its way back home.

He peaked early in his career.

I’m actually saving so much money with their website broken. Whoever came up with that hack is a genius.

Yeah, if I hadn’t started browsing shit early, I wouldn’t have those tabs open and have been able to buy some of the deals. Still, 35 minutes after launch the Prime Day main site is still down. Fucking clown show bigger than Trump’s sloppy bj on Putin.

Yeah, if I hadn’t started browsing shit early, I wouldn’t have those tabs open and have been able to buy some of the

I see she’s learning to act with her overbite just like her famous aunt.

Maybe she heard Jezebel was hiring.

The top one has a dick in it.

What if they pick a transwoman actor to play the transman?

This is probably the best departure post ever posted on

Doesn’t the title actually suggest that gay men are the only real men?

Her kid will miss her. This is a tragedy of her own making.

Time to fly these over every city in this country.