
HARD PASS. I don’t need LaCroix that tastes like skunk to get high. I can just get high and drink LaCroix.

It’s a free search on the USPTO site. The only cost is to your eyeballs and sense of aesthetic. 

Congratulations on your promotion, Maggie!

It’s vanilla pretending to be hip and cool.

Yes, exactly. This can also be summed up in the “I made you, I can unmake you” dynamic that exists with parents and teenagers.

Really? I laughed in surprise because it was unexpected. I think that’s what the creator was going for.

Needs more Fuck Tha Police.

This is exactly how I scramble my eggs except that I put the butter in first and break the yolks before the whites set and also don’t add cheese. So, basically, nothing like this, but I still get fluffy eggs because I don’t overcook them.

Needs more yakety sax.

They were summarily sentenced to death by magnifying glass.

WB has the best lawyers TimeWarner and now AT&T can buy. They will not even whiff any damages from this lawsuit.

Mixed, not White. White’s got all the options. Peace out.

This wasn’t so much a hate crime as a crime against all humanity.

and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.

Yeah, I dunno, it’s Georgia. She definitely has a complaint for the homeowner’s association, that’s for sure.

Have fun, Internet.

Too right.

Behaviour’s fucked, but WB’s probably indemnified by whatever vendor agreement they have in place with Behaviour.

Who amongst us hasn’t felt that way?

Fuck off unless you show me your copper pot, dipshit.