
My point is mainly that the racial options given are not sufficient to adequately describe many Hispanic mestizos. For example, what combination of races would you select for a Mexican-American who is say White & Zapotec? I mean they would look at those options and say: I’m NOT Black, Asian, etc. Then have to choose

Whatever he’s trying, he’s trying too hard.

How is she insulting Mexican cuisine? Did she say it sucks or because she offered a recipe that wasn’t “authentic”? Btw, if you’re not making your carnitas in a copper pot, don’t even bother to reply.

How is she insulting Mexican cuisine? Did she say it sucks or because she offered a recipe that wasn’t “authentic”? Btw, if you’re not making your carnitas in a copper pot, don’t even bother to reply.

That’s more reflective of the census, which only gives you the race option after you answer the Hispanic ethnicity question. Mestizo, or mixed, isn’t an option because they don’t offer an “indigenous” race option that you can combine with Black, White, or Asian.

Ironically, this ho is a Mexican. 

It just slows things down and fucks up their assembly line, which is why I love ordering them.

Daily reminder that not all Hispanics are Team Not-A-Shit-Person.

By golly, you’re right.

Woah, dude, I don’t need that kind of firepower.

The company consequently added up those 72 minutes and docked him a half-day’s pay.

Let’s just say because sometimes I need to in order to attain other off-menu items I would like to eat.

Only if its the fake Horchata Ole shit AND they also sell the Orange Bang.

They already make them for people like me who only order off-menu quesadillas because that’s the only palatable shit they have. This will just improve the process by adding dedicated quesadilla grills and I won’t have to wait 10 minutes for a quesadilla. In other words, can I just have this one thing, man?

This is why I always conceal-carry a lengua taco.

So much for precision engineering. Don’t worry guys, the US Army’s got this:

Oregon--Portland, really, since the rest of the state is White Supremacy Land-hosts a lot of refugees, so this poor child probably had to witness some skin tones that aren’t pink or red and it scarred her for life.

This ain’t no moral compass. It’s one of those fake compasses you use to store your weed in. 

Of all the ways one could possibly reply, this one combines the two stupidest comparisons: that comparing the shelflife of unopened mayo to a dressed salad and the temperature-controlled dry storage of a grocery store to the outside temperature of a summer day.

Let’s face it. White people aren’t ready to give up the White Comfort that White supremacy affords them. This issue discomfited those of them that still have a soul because they could see in these children some relatable humanity, even if they can’t see it in the adults. Of course, the only thing they really wanted