
I mean all you have really read is that quote from above to get the fantasy he’s living in:“failed socialist experiments of the 1980s.” 

lol at “I have friends”

Man, you guys have some cojones. I hope your new employer appreciates them.

I think that entire intro paragraph was a tongue-in-cheek “are they talking about Gawker or nah.”

Lol, you smell it because it ain’t legalized and so all they have is mostly flower. Think “Starbucks but with weed” and that’s the legalized pot industry. You got your frappucinos (edibles), your espresso (concentrates) and your regular drip (flowers).

I read it as that’s what she meant, to make up for the war on drugs that was waged mostly against the Black community. However, I wonder if her use of the word also had the meaning of “and that’s all you’ll get” because she’s trying to have her cake and eat it, too.


Joanna, that leather jacket looks good on you but it’s like a straight-jacket for your dancing hands. Bring back the sweater and let your hands dance freely!

That dude needs to literally chill out about this.

“Daddy, why is that man eating his shoe.”

Really feel this cheapens all the chalupas that died so that these students could have the privilege to never take anything seriously.

How else is Rocket going to wear it in battle at the next movie?

Where’s the code?

+1 allowable insect parts.


Cultural appropriation much? You don’t see us fucking wallabys and feeding babies to our dingoes over here, do you?

Sounds like sour Drakes to me.

Make it a kids menu/coloring page with a connect-the-dots puzzle that reads “MIND YOUR FUCKING KIDS”

Nope, it’s like replacing pickles with relish. The essence of the kimchi (which is what I’m assuming she wanted to add to this recipe) is the fiery fermentation. The pickled vegetable is just the delivery vehicle.