So it’s not the noodles that makes it healthy, but the protein powder and oil they add to it? Fuck I can just throw in some dried fish or an egg into and get the same result without “disrupting the market.”
So it’s not the noodles that makes it healthy, but the protein powder and oil they add to it? Fuck I can just throw in some dried fish or an egg into and get the same result without “disrupting the market.”
He doesn’t have the political skills to survive the primaries, but he would be a good pick. Who else you got?
Then he might end up looking all weird.
Probably just implicit bias training.
The donut will not be fully cooked all the way through, and will mostly be gummy on the inside. Source: Lard Lad donut from Universal Studios. Go with the burger.
Looking over the list of previous winners, they need to rename this as the NPR Music Awards.
“I’m so sad that I have to boycott Lily Pulitzer right at the start of the horse season because of this.”
Yeah, Costco’s already been selling these (and I’ve been buying them). It’s not because of germs, though, but because you since they’re individually wrapped they don’t get freezer burn and so you can go ahead and feel free to buy 30lbs of chicken thighs without having to worry about them going to waste or chicken…
“Categorized as a gateway drug.”
Bitch, please, I am not that one-dimensional.
I’m guessing “Verified Paternity Test” was taken.
This is official and everything, tho.
“vernacular authenticity and rhythmic dynamism”
lol, it was too perfect that the dude’s name was Weston.
lol, I think she might be running a cult ....
That poor dude, you can tell he’s at his breaking point.