
Memento & The Prestige were fun in a post-modernist kinda way. He really should go back to making films about film-making and nothing else.

You can, however, determine if existing policies contributed to the misconduct and fix those policies. Or you can just say “problem solved” and move on. I wonder which one will happen?

Are you suspending your disbelief, Jesse?

Yeah all the author’s “whys” can be answered with “because it’s the in the goddam source material.”

Lol. Definitely about self-care and me-time, but, um, I like yours better.

25-year-old, dude.

No, the entire point of the book was that it was a screenplay for this movie.

Meh, people making blanket statements need to be fucked with. Of all the rolls, lumpia is the best. Although popiah is a close second for me.

They’re fine; nothing a little therapy can’t fix.

As a nanny, she would know how to handle a manbaby, that’s true.

Damn, lady, you should have stopped having kids after the first three.

Yeah, one would think, based on commons sense, that anyone with a demonstrated propensity for violence should be denied access to guns.

Random stranger, once-removed?

Maybe you need some delicious lumpia?


Someone’s never read Macbeth.

You crazy, man.

Eight-year-old, dude.

I think it also worked against them during the Oscars, in that some of the scenes had the mise en scene feel of their TV show—i.e. low budget trying to look glossier than it is. That 4.5M budget explains the look, and frankly they did an amazing job with what they had.

It’s carne asada, but that’s more than okay!