
it makes the metro Detroit roads I’m used to driving look like the surface of mars.

My brother used to live in a condo complex in downtown Cincinnati. They had quite a bit of free street parking available and they required a sticker or other tag to be visible to park on the private streets. But they only enforced that rule M-F 8am-5pm. After working hours and on the weekends they didn’t care who

We have some friends who have four kids of their own, and foster another six. They have a 15-seat Transit and love it. No joke.

A Delorean then.

I love these cars!! $40k is a tall ask, I wonder if they’ll take the bits of string and the $40.25 in my pocket?

2008 is a B7, not B8.

All those parts prices are for suckers. Every one of the parts is available for probably half that or less and most ppl with car smarts can do the jobs. For non-car ppl they aren’t the best choice, that much is true, but for anyone who has done even a minor repair and has a metric toolkit they are very do-able.

Before American (pop) culture was built on big engines and chrome cars, it was built on steam-engine powered trains. Before that, horses. I’d say America is a pretty big place with a lot to offer that many other places dream of (vast open spaces and natural beauty that are the envy of people in densely populated

When is the last time anyone ever read their car’s manual?

This is disappointing. Not because BMW is losing sales to Benz. Because they are losing their identity. The ultimate driving machine used to actually mean something. A X4 gran coupe M-sport whatever the hell has no idea what it wants to be. BMW seems to be answering many questions that no one asked, and this

This just hurt to watch. I really hate to see any car meet it’s maker this way apart from maybe a PT cruiser.

It hurts to watch as I owned B6 Audi that faithfully carried my ass for over decade

That poor poor Audi. Take the anger out on the kid not the car! But seriously it must have been someone really bad in that car!!!

dialing tow truck to take away the non-Ferrari parked in front of his boat