
@AristotlesCrab: When I had a cockatiel 10 years back, this would have come in handy. Between bird diapers and those flower stickers you can use to hide your dog's anus, modern technology really has revolutized the pet defecation industry.

Oh please let boils be next. PUH-LEASE.

In Russia, parody spoof you!

@AristotlesCrab: Technically that's a cockatiel, but who's judging?

A few Hunger Games should get these teens in check.

@diasdiem: But they do love jokes.

I have yet to meet a person that finds Blake Lively to be an appealing actress. Maybe I'll meet one today.

@ZiggyStarPuff: If you like Antiques Roadshow then American Pickers and Storage Wars might be right up your alley. SW is a bit more campy but you gotta love people finding treasure in any case.

@aliasmisskat is a glue gun goddess: That's really helpful. Have you heard anything about Squarespace? I set up something preliminary there last night, but it was buggy getting Disqus to work since their comment system doesn't allow threading. Also, I worry about it being a lesser-used platform, even though some

@aliasmisskat is a glue gun goddess: See, the blogs you like all have fantastic names. MoGlo's is great just for the Ennui bit, and I now must start reading Yarn Harlot. I am leaning towards "Lindsey Lets Go", "Type A-OK" , and the always perennial "It's Not Opposite Day".

@nobodyr: I am looking at Blogger but Squarespace looks cool, too. Another thing that is holding me back is I want it to be well designed. Grr, I just need to put fingers to keyboard and write something, then worry about the details later.

@LaComtesse: I think I will be more journal-style, although I definitely will go off on tangents about pop-culture/current events in my writing. My style is more irreverent, down-and-dirty honest, and (I'd like to think) humorous.

@grahamwest: I think it will be more journal-style. I tend to write about what I do and musings on current events/pop culture when I have the time. I have kept several blogs in the past but I really want to find something that sticks. I think it's a good point that I can always change things, I guess I balk at that

Guys, I have been planning to start a blog for 6 months but I can't even get myself to commitment to a blog name. Am I doomed? I feel like the blog name is key and once it's there it determines what people expect of it. Too much pressure! It's like you have to be witty and irreverent and clearly explain what your blog

OMG, the picture above is of a baby Tawny Frogmouth, my favorite bird. LUV!

This reminds of Australian athlete Cliff Young, who was an unexpected entrant in an ultramarathon from Melbourne to Sydney when he was 61. And he won. Against people a third his age. At the time, people ran during the day and slept for a bit at night. Cliff kept running pretty much the whole time. He went on to become

@katieupsidedown: Did you know that eating yams is proven to increase chance you have twins. Not the supermarket kind of yams, its a special kind you have to find in specialty stores. But still...

@duetoprivacy: Twins are born for a number of reasons. You can release 2 eggs (I don't know if that's two eggs when you ovulate once or if you ovulate twice, sadly). But when the two eggs get fertilized you get fraternal, non-identical twins.

@quagmire: Not at all true, sadly. The period of time you are referring to is called your luteal phase (from when you ovulate to the day of your period). The luteal phase is always the same length, so if your cycle is longer on month it means you ovulated later - not that you are having a longer luteal phase.