
Nothing gets me as hot as when a guy tries to be like my big brother.

Know what's not funny? His absolutely shocked/terrified face. The fact that he probably has a mental illness. The reactions of the students who basically just witnessed him exposing himself, basically what we were all rallying against 2 weeks ago with the subway exposure story.

@mcpm: Oh absolutely! You should hear the stories on the news here in NYC about people getting mugged for North Face fleece and puffer jackets. They are highly coveted.

This is pretty great, but I've seen some images of people having sex in an MRI machine (googel it) and that floored me. The weenis literally bends at nearly a 90 degree angle. The magic of nature.

The Beer 30 Show<The Man Show.

@bangers: Maybe they were referring to "Straight as an arrow" and got the two confused? Likely.

@amowls: I think Oesa says it well when she points out that Coach is believeable. Depending on your circumstance, people might not believe even a good LV knockoff is real, but it might be feasible you can afford Coach. Some people want the look and don't care it is fake, and some people really want to convince.

@LoSpaz: I think you need to see the above post about counterfeiting (I kid). Seriously though, there's a thin line between designer knockoffs and counterfeiting items. I'm not knocking it, just observing.

@oesa: Coach really is a luxury price-point for many people. It may not be the pinnacle of fashion, but for many individuals a Coach bag says you are doing well for yourself. Counterfeitting isn't just about copying luxury, it's about copying anything popular but out of reach price-wise for those who want to buy it

@duetoprivacy: I think, for the porn industry, "asthetically pleasing" in the way that drives sales is by far the driving factor. I imagine porn without condoms sells much better than porn with protection, and I'm sure the industry will lobby pretty hard to protest this. Somone later in this thread comments that the

@Ski Bunny?: It was uncomfortable, especially when you stretched it. Or got food jammed in it and had to blast it out with a WaterPik.

I just read the new Christina Aguilera article in People and it made me very sad. She goes on and on about how her ex represented security and safety and was a good father, but how she outgrew a need for that. She went on about how, on her recent shoot, she went from being a girl to a woman (What! Did she get her

As far as people getting a gap put in their teeth, I got one once. From a palate expander. I had to put a tiny key into the little device, which was screwed in the roof of my mouth (calm down, it was attached to my teef).

Mental illness is a sad, sad, thing my friends. Before we go for the jokes, I'm just putting it out there that there is probably no way, just by looking at her mug shot, that she had any idea what she was doing.

I really don't know where this is coming from with Kathy. She either is A) getting really lazy with her research, because there are tons of other things she could joke about with Bristol that don't have to do with her healthy-looking body or B)she's getting superior after losing a lot of weight.

@TopLevelExecutive: Why is one worse than the other? They are all forms of hate, why must we label one as more impactful, more offensive? To the people they are insulting, they hurt just the same.

I'd like to care about this coat but I am overwhelmed with ennui.

Things I think O should include on her itinary. It's Melbourne-centric but here I go:

@CJ4: I am freakin' obsessed with the largest worm, especially after reading about them in Bill Bryson's book. Apparently you can HEAR THEM MOVING in the ground.

@em.: Oh, I just put PawPaw in my post and then saw it in yours. I became ADDICTED while living in Oz, and not have friends bring me multiple tubes. It seriously tastes like frosting.