
If not for the $700K she doesn't get the $250K. Ever take on a court case against a large, well-funded, popular state university? This isn't the movies.

Eh, she just wanted money anyway. Nobody ever realizes you gotta pay the attorneys first.

I’m not saying that the Broncos had anything to do with yesterday’s Pats tablet malfunction, because I’m not a crazy person whose paranoia pins every issue on a team I hate....

You’re right. They were in Denver, where the LAN that supports their tablet-based analysis sytem mysteriously went down. You know, the LAN supplied by the home team... the cheatin’ broncos. Or doesn’t that fit your narrative?

This makes no sense. If you don't think you can pick up a single yard and instead choose to go for a field goal, then how do you think you are later going move the ball down the field to score a go-ahead touchdown?

Her name is Jeanine Deeb and she is actually the director of the WPT Deepstacks Tour. I think she could do worse.

do you know what “undisputed” facts are?