
Amateurish!? Bah.

I preferred Cloud Atlas by a hair, but I too would love to see them do a smaller picture again.

Well, after Heaven's Gate, he never really made anything he wanted to make supposedly.

I thought Cannes was supposed to be a showcase of the best films. Are the scores/quick reviews more harsh to reflect the higher standard, or is Cannes less impressive than I imagined it to be?

I guess I'm a former Star Wars nerd. I kinda want to unwatch the prequels (which is weird to say because I once saw anything Star Wars as infallible). I will watch Episode VII and I think it will turn out fine though.

With the prequels, Jedi almost seemed like Space-Scientologists.

Did… did he really type 'Excelsior!'? XD

Interested in a few here (Inside Out, Me and Earl, and The Tribe), but I couldn't care less about most of this stuff.

How do I tell it to only look up what's streaming and not what's available on DVD Netflix?

My list is always nearing 500 since I always seem to add more than I actually watch.

On top of the CN Tower next Thursday maybe? I gotta check me schedule.

I think Crash is a good movie. Shoot me.

I want to see a good movie. Couldn't care less how the people look as long as it fits.

Guess I tuned out while watching the trailer. Either that, or the trailer I watched didn't mention that.

Does the movie have moments where you wonder why they don't just get up from their computers and walk away? Or unplug it?

Gross… culture. *shudders*

Probably not if I was making the list. Also, Initially I skimmed over the list and didn't realize that it was a user voted list. Makes more sense now. People are downright obsessed with Marvel, and there's no way Avengers wouldn't have appeared somewhere.

It doesn't seem that hard to pull off to me, and I don't really care what studios do. I like Whedon though, from what I've seen of Firefly.

I'll take your word for it, Nunez.

Is The Avengers really so good that it deserves to be on a top 100 list? I haven't seen the whole thing, but from what I have seen, it just seems like an average action flick…