Visual aid.....
Visual aid.....
It's difficult to maintain a list of all the cures for various afflictions. You need an encyclopedia of such wisdom, and you know who knows? Gypsies! Yup, just Google your local Romany group (they should have a guild in your city). Reasonable rates, but make sure you tip at least 15% or they'll curse you good.
I wonder if he "has to" make the accompanying hand motions or else he just can't get into the mood.
Porn is everywhere; it's normal, unfortunately. She has the right to be a porn star, and I have every right to say that's not respectable. But all this language about "sexual empowerment" or the "virgin-whore dichotomy" is just a bunch of deconstructionist bullshit. Morality is hard, and it's often easier for people…
Slight modification....
Contents of Adam Dachis's go bag:
1. Hat
2. Spare hat.
3rd video: For the first couple minutes it looks like he's taking it relatively easy with the little girl in the car. But then at 2:25 he opens up more and the little girl's eyes say it all, "Oooo, shit just got real."
You sure that's not Vladimir Putin siting on top of all those mines? Seems like something he'd do. Actually, I take that back. If it were Putin, his shirt would be off.
Yeah, but since we can't see his tatoos, grizzly bear beard, and belt chains, the only thing we have to go by is that She-Ra scream of his. Mine would probably have been more like Ruby Rhod from the Fifth Element.
Thanks for the explanation. I didn't realize that, from a developer's perspective, iOS offers less hassle and risk for creating a new app. I can't promise I will be less impatient, but at least I'll know it's not the developer's fault but mine instead. :)
EDIT: Buried on the Peek web site (Press Kit FAQs that are downloadable as an .RTF file from Peek's Dropbox account) is this one-liner: "Peek will be available for iPad and Android in the coming months." That's positive, if vague. I hope it's not like Boomerang, whose support for non-Gmail accounts has been coming…
I like gesture-based apps like Peek and Clear. But I don't understand why the developers of these apps tend to focus on the iOS platform. It's as if someone decided, "well, if it's sleek and minimal, it should only appear on iOS." I would love to try Peek on Android.
Nice bigotry you got there.
They really missed an opportunity when they failed to name it the Stoner Stupor Bowl.
When I had the hiccups, my Mom would ignore me for about 5 minutes. But then suddenly she'd spin around and yell "Stop!" It would startle the hell out of me. No more hiccups no matter how hard I tried to do it, just to spite her.
You misspelled nucular.