From now on I'll look for your warnings before clicking play. I shall now go wash my ears out with some Styx.
From now on I'll look for your warnings before clicking play. I shall now go wash my ears out with some Styx.
It launches, immediately records up to 10 seconds, and then saves to Dropbox. I like efficiency, and I understand that developers need cash to fund their lavish lifestyles. But if that's all this app does then why the hell does it cost $2? Seems overpriced by, well, $2.
Like! I won't go all the way with you on the fourth paragraph: I'm sure there are lots of motivated youngins out there. But I completely agree that we're infantilizing the country, and a disturbing percentage of the population doesn't seem to think there's anything wrong about handing over increasing amounts of…
Ninjas are cooler than cats. It is known.
I could listen to Japanese all day, not understand a thing, and still be interested.
I just installed Texter on Win8. No go. It won't launch. Any ideas?
I'd like to make the similar point that talking about your vagina doesn't make you a feminist hero either. I'm so tired of people (dudes included) getting all "empowered" and talking about their gear like it's positive progress for society. Most times it's just crude.
[deleted my double post]
Why do so many of you feel the need to immediately obscure the point and say, "but Christians say stuff like this too!!"? It's like you want to attack the cleric for his comments, but you fear you might come across as racist or something. So you artificially insert Christian preachers and then proceed to bash them…
Why do so many of you feel the need to immediately obscure the point and say, "but Christians say stuff like this too!!"? It's like you want to attack the cleric for his comments, but you fear you might come across as racist or something. So you artificially insert Christian preachers and then proceed to bash them…
I think people (or at least Americans) have become much more casual about the way we dress over the past, I don't know, 50 years. I see people wearing their pyjamas to the store on weekend mornings. (I thought it was pretty obvious that leaving university meant you have to grow up, but I guess I was wrong.)
I think people (or at least Americans) have become much more casual about the way we dress over the past, I don't know, 50 years. I see people wearing their pyjamas to the store on weekend mornings. (I thought it was pretty obvious that leaving university meant you have to grow up, but I guess I was wrong.)
There's no such thing as "nice" flip flops that you can wear to the office, ladies. They're just not appropriate in the work place.
Dunno. But that 765 ft/lbs of torque sounds pretty dang monstrous.
Fun! Similarly, Nature =/= Made-Up-Gaia-Superhero
My home town. It's a pearl of a city, and I'm glad there are larger cities in California to distract people from overwhelming SD.
Can we ask that the judge also make her change her first name? Or at least explain how the hell to pronounce it. Damn hippy parents.