To be fair, I’ve heard 1 quart/1,000 miles is pretty a common oil burn for most Subaru, BMW’s, early VQ’s, and other cars. Since the car is under 100k warranty is it REALLY that big of a deal?
To be fair, I’ve heard 1 quart/1,000 miles is pretty a common oil burn for most Subaru, BMW’s, early VQ’s, and other cars. Since the car is under 100k warranty is it REALLY that big of a deal?
I was thinking “Gas-Passer Odorizes Car At Gunpoint” but we’ll never know his true motivation.
If the car thief didn’t steal the car, is he really a car thief?
One hand and no seatbelt... if you’re gonna teach a kid how to drive at least make him use a seatbelt and use both hands...
Unless you pump it up to where the camber is within factory specifications, you are going to literally eat rear wheel bearings. They aren’t made to take that kind of thrust load for prolonged periods of time.
The fuck kinda husband do you have that would let you be assaulted without response?
watch MotoGP instead!!
Both excellent references. Hat tip to you.
You missed the obvious answer here my friend. It’s not about a V8 powered Viper. It’s about a V10 powered Dart. Or hell, a V10 powered Grand Caravan. I’d probably even drive a minivan and admit it if it had a V10 Viper engine in it.
Hating or discriminating against someone of a different race because of their race is racism. Do that and you are a racist, regardless of your race. How is that not obvious?
As a person of color, your racism disgusts me. You are part of the problem.
This neon has 400hp according to the craigslist ad
It’s king friendly, for only kings are allowed to wear purple.
lol, I find this comment hilarious. While I’m not defending how shitty dealerships can be, and how realistically they are a cess pool of the over worked alcoholic wife beating kind, if you walk into a dealership assuming everyone is a dickhead, you will immediately be treated as such. Carrying preconceived notions of…
A firsthand account from my friend’s fbook; account is set to private, so I just cut and paste:
I own this one as well. Can confirm it is a great camera.
I own this one as well. Can confirm it is a great camera.
I have a Sony a6000 and I absolutely love it. It’s incredibly portable, has an APS-C sensor, beautiful color reproduction, and amazingly quick autofocus.
I have a Sony a6000 and I absolutely love it. It’s incredibly portable, has an APS-C sensor, beautiful color…
You automatically judge people based on their choice of vehicle and can't even properly identify a Nissan with a giant logo on the back. I'm going to go with evidence points to you being a judgmental douchebag yourself.
He didn’t get rich by paying for shit himself. Duh.