
We’ll see.

Now also reported in non German press. I doubt Jezebel will report on this, blaming it on women and asking them to cover up/keep their distance is sacrilege on Jezebel, but multi culturalism trumps women’s rights on Jezebel. They’re already busy salivating in the Jezebel article on the newest hijab collection.

Trust the women at Jezebel to be enthusiastic about what they’ll be forced to wear next for the sake of keeping the peace in the multi cultural society they adore and worship more than their own women’s rights.

Good idea. I suggest you try that when you’re surrounded by North Africans.

You’re one of those people that would say 2+2=5 if I said it is 4. My views on the Cosby situation do not invalidate my views on other stuff. Henriette Reker’s suggestion for a code of conduct for women is a FACT.

The exact BKA report is classified. I wonder why?

Translation of the German tweet by the way (to the best knowledge of my German): A female reporter asked Reker about the code of conduct, how young women should act specifically. They should at least keep an arm’s length distance from male strangers, said mayor Reker. They also shouldn’t split from groups.

Oh, and for everyone’s information: the female pro refugee mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker ( who got elected after an anti refugee nutjob stabbed her ), has announced a plan to stop this from happening in the future. She suggested a code of conduct for women: to stay an arm’s length away from men and for women not

Anyone denying the perpetrators were majority North African/Arab or just referring to them as “men” (which many here love to do) is also exploiting this for political correctness points.


I know Jezebel is pro “refugees” and will chose them over women. I doubt you people will report that the female pro refugee mayor of Cologne Henriette Reker (who got elected after being stabbed by an anti refugee nutjob) is calling for a code of conduct for women to prevent this sort of thing in the future: women

Considering there is no shred of physical evidence, I hope Bill Cosby gets his day in court finally.