

Going to lose some functionality in my Bravely Default games.  I should probably get around to finishing them.

Ford Probe

Did anybody else's brain autocorrect "Chief Wingbermuehle" to "Chief Wiggam"?

I have a 32oz Camelbak insulated Mag Chute that I’ve used virtually every day for years and I think retail was in the $30-$35 range, so from that standpoint the pricing is about normal for the product.

No, the market can be wrong.  Look at Tesla’s stock price.

The size of the ‘A’ pillar in vehicles is really getting out of hand...

IIRC the numbers actually may it *way* cheaper to give people free housing rather than to let them exist on the streets. Their healthcare costs go down, emergency services are freed up and resources spent just keeping people alive get redistributed to areas that get you more ‘bang for the buck’.

I love these things, see them all the time in the Cambridge/Boston area, but for what they are they are really overpriced. The ‘market’ may price it here, but it’s a ND for me.

Was coming here basically say the same thing.  It's not enticing, it's just irritating.  

I admit I can’t explain it. I’m a former denizen of upstate NY and only the Cowboys equal my level of dislike. It is not rational.

Got the wife an Ororo something or other last year in the middle of marching band season.  She may like it more that me.

You’ll have to pry my Camelbak insulated mag chute bottle from my dead, cold hands.

To actively make the change to something new, it needs to be *better* than what it is replacing.

Yup, toad, warts and all.

$50 after year 2, another $50 at year 4, $100 at year 7, so $200/mo total.

My renters insurance hasn’t changed in 8 years.  I'm kind of amazed/think they forgot I exist.

Force Majeure, Acts of God, DUI, while committing a crime... Probably more.

Just a data point:

Alright, i can get behind that.