
It doesn’t look like the operation has enough employees to qualify for the WARN Act, but the 2 months notice/pay out is what it calls for. Looks to be, at the very least, they followed that example.

A 20 hour delay isn’t ideal, but still better than the end of year flight debacle.

Holy hell, she would make a perfect Dr. Blight if they could train her not to sound like a blithering idiot.

I mean, he did get his laptop back.  Need more information to determine causation or correlation really.

I didn’t realize Rivian was doing so poorly. I don’t follow the market side of things too much but I have seen quite a few of their trucks in the Northeast in the last few months. I despise their headlights, but they’re otherwise a good looking truck.

We had it in a 2016 Fiesta SE. It was fine for 50k miles before my wife declared she would never drive it in winter again.

Why are they even bothering with a Captain Planet movie that doesn’t star Don Cheadle in the titular role?

Maybe it’s Michelle Yeoh hype?

I always see the title and get it confused with the Long Earth books by Pratchett.

You had me at “turn-based combat”

They play her stuff a lot on Sirius 60 (Outlaw Country), especially when Elizabeth Cook is at the helm. Great stuff, always a joy to listen to.

So, is now a good time to talk about UBI?

Can confirm, 3rd gen Ford Focus with a manual transmission was a perfectly fine car.   

That’s what search warrants and subpoenas are for.

Delaware and Maryland on the I-95 corridor really do have some nice rest stops.

Don’t forget the backwards facing seats.

Surprised it’s taken this long to find out about a vulnerability. Probably a good bet there are others that have been found and not yet exploited.

It’s a travesty that you hadn’t considered ‘Six Pack’ starring Kenny Rodgers *the* greatest racing movie of all time.

Reverse:  The biggest advantage the C5 has over the C6 is the pop up headlights.  Not because they’re the bees knees (and they are!) but because you can actually tell where the front corner is of the car when they’re up.

Got the SO a heated parka for the holidays.  Complete with battery pack.  I won Christmas this year.