I Still Dream

To put it another way: Joan Rivers made jokes about the gay community, but she was making them for the gay community. She had a pre-existing relationship with the gay community long before that material really started entering her rotation, and she always understood and respected her place there.

Gay people picketed Eddie Murphy in the mid-80s for the tremendously homophobic jokes he performed (and later apologized profusely for) in his most classic material.

Assume trans people have the same intelligence as those gay dudes laughing at Joan Rivers, and maybe consider that there might simply be something right with Rivers’ approach that is wrong with Chappelle’s. I can’t remember Rivers devoting an entire ending of her special to telling the gay community they made one of

Chappelle absolutely helps normalize transphobia for his fans. 

Yeah, it’s not as if comedy as a long history of being used to make political statements. Nope nope nope. 

maybe just leave trans jokes to trans people, who have actual insight into their lived experience. stick in your lane and mine your comedy from your own life because that’s a lot funnier than some shit like Chapelle is spewing. Which isn’t even comedy, it’s just him with a lot of resentment.

Your self-censoring makes you look like a child.

I think I’ve heard 12 year old white middle schoolers have this rhetoric, but they usually grow up.

“I mean there are FACTUAL instances of the thin skinnedness of the trans community.”

jebus, he doubled down on it? Fuckin A he can talk about literally anything he wants to and get paid millions of dollars and THIS is what he’s passionate about? The earlier transphobic stuff really soured me on that special and made me start to reconsider him. Then I watched 8:46 and it wasn’t amazing, but more than

I know people love those two comedians and they are influential, but goddamn did they punch down hard and frankly that gets tiring.  Its not clever or funny, it's not like those two excuse the behavior but if your going to be like this at the very least be entertaining.  

Oh Jesus Christ.  As someone who has struggled with gender identity and after this year identity as a woman this is goddamn miserable.  I live in the same state Chappelle calls home and people loooooove him here.  Siding with JK Rowling is a rather quick and easy way to out yourself as an asshole.

People go on about touchy-feely liberal clapter, but it’s always the edgy anti-PC crowd who give these tedious, preachy speeches. It’s the same kind of persecution complex that made late-period Lenny Bruce and Bill Hicks so exhausting.

What about this mixed race woman from Africa is causing that statement to cause your eyes to roll?

Damn, now I have to find a new way to rationalize my hatred of women. 


While I understand the desire to have balanced characters, I feel like Toph should be very strong when standing on the ground, and absolute garbage in the air.

Great. Another anime ore fighter. 

But Renata is a reviewer, which means she’s in the business of critiquing how mechanics work in conjunction with narrative to tell a story.