It wasn't that funny... but I laughed for 5 minutes anyway. Well done
I'm guessing they feel the same way about Chip.
As an Eagles fan, I'm very grateful that Jerry and Dan are still kicking.
Would’ve thought Nolan Ryan had better seats.
I’m in love with the fact that they named the King cobra “Elvis”.
I like to imagine him with a tiny red scarf and gold sunglasses and a small toupe saying “Thank you very muchsssssssstttthhh, Elvisssssssth has lefth the building.” as he escaped.
Yes, an exotic snake that got loose. That’s why we in South Florida now have an established population of massive Burmese pythons. As soon as the loose cobras start breeding, I’m leaving. May carpet bomb the state on the way out.
“which retrieved the king cobra, named Elvis, and returned it to Kennedy.”
This story confirms that I could never be an animal control officer.
Really, if it had deserved its name, it should have been found dead in the toilet.
Is what the center doing the equivalent of him dropping trow and showing his cock in the locker room then saying he was bullied for people laughing at him?
Last time I saw that many hits put into a cooler, Ted Williams was involved.
Stopped reading your comment at “sportsball.”
Katie Nolan is fantastic. Too bad I don’t watch FS1. Wish she has a bigger platform.
Now it’s time for all the “lifelong” Yankee fans to start proclaiming they’ve always been Mets fans.
Even. If. Vaccines. Did. Cause. Autism. Which. They. Do. Not. An. Autistic. Child. Is. Still. An. Alive. Child.
Was in the the upper deck as well last night, with some Astro fan friends. After the final out, this chode of a Yankee fan started throwing beer bottles at our group, screaming “welcome to New York! Get the fuck out”.
Roughly $1000 for a family of 4.