I was at the game, and it was glorious.
I was at the game, and it was glorious.
On the topic of Miller’s ascension, word on the street in New York is that Zuccarello’s “concussion” is actually a fractured skull and his career is in doubt.
We can all thank Buster Posey’s fragile tibia. Had it been anyone else, nobody would have cared, but when a young star gets hurt, things have to change!
The fact that David Wright is the only Met on the list is indicative of what a complete sham the entire process is.
Where's K Love?
Lundqvist is superhuman in 7th games. As long as the offense does thier job, you've got to favor The Rangers. Of course, you know there is no way this game doesn't go to overtime.
This must mean a trade sending Bartolo somewhere is done pending a physical and they're trying to get rid of the only one they bothered to stock in the team store.
When my cousin brought his vegatarian girlfriend to Christmas with our family for the first time, she was kind of limited in what she could eat. She looked at a big bowl of salad and asked my grandmother if there was any meat in it. Grandma replied “No, just some pancetta.”. She said “Oh, ok, good.” and scoffed some…
In his defense, he wasn't wrong.
So what would happen if the “1st World” countries, USA, England, France, Spain, Germany etc. all got together and said “Fuck this noise, we’re not going” and organized their own international tournament instead. FIFA would be boned, right?
Maybe the 7’ built like a freight train Dwight Howard should have taken that pass and gone straight to the hoop and slammed it home, ruining the future of anyone who dared step in front of him, instead of immediately passing it back to the guy who was still double covered?
Wow. Just wow. If a ball makes you feel like more of a man, I'll send you one.
Because at some point, a grown ass man should not hip check an old lady out of the way over a baseball.
Funny Nazi-History Channel story. A friend of mine in college interned there, and his whole job was to prescreen shows for Nazi or Hitler references. Apparently Mercedes was one of their top advertising clients, and refused to have any commercials run during shows in which they were mentioned. He said you would not…
Then a previously perfectly healthy Andrus will retire 6 weeks later from a broken heart.
While I agree, I respectfully submit Phillie fans for consideration.
I was told no contact sports for 6 weeks after mine.
Unfortunately, WWE’s booking philosophy has always been “What can we do to piss off our most loyal fans tonight?” I don't see that changing as long as a McMahon is running the show.