
You can't compare the two. The referee inspects the balls supplied by each team prior to the game, and marks them as approved with his signature or another mark. If they are making this big of a deal, I think the only explanation is that the Pats slipped an uninspected ball into play. If Rodgers overinflated balls and

My college roommate was self proclaimed "Trailer Trash" from South Jersey, Though you'd never know it from meeting him. I thought he was exaggerating until I met his brother. He showed up with long, greasy black hair, missing his two front teeth, wearing a backwards Dale Earnhardt hat, ripped jeans and a stained

Unfortunately, SNY is the only thing keeping them afloat financially. They need the revenue stream. As much as I would love them to sell, it won't happen until Fred dies and Jeffey wants to cash out.

People don't realize rednecks are not confined to the South. Half of New Jersey is more hick than Georgia. Confederate flags on their trucks and everything.

I may be totally wrong, but I seem to remember that Avril was a Canadian Country singer as a teen, and her record label thought the punk rock sk8r chick look would sell better.

I'm still trying to figure out how an entire region decided the "O" sound should be pronounced as "Awww".

I really need to visit New Hampshire. Sounds like an interesting place.

There's a line drawn up the middle of Connecticut. You know you're there once you start seeing Sox and Pats decals on the back window of every car.

New Englanders are the Southerners of the Northeast.

How does the girl in the black and green shirt not die from bashing her brain stem on that curb. Meth strength?

If this was yesterday, the entire tristate area woke up to an unexpected layer of ice. It was nuts.

Really? That's your best response?

Oh well

Would you please stop it with the "Real Football" crap? I get it, soccer was football long before American Football was, but if anyone gave a shit, we wouldn't call it soccer.

Was he 5'2" and jacked out of his mind on steroids? If so, it's entirely possible.

He's making enough money that, wisely invested, will keep 3-4 generations of Scherzers unemployed. I'd say that is pretty impressive.

I'm sure Jack Johnson's parents could put him in touch with some lenders.

This guy reminds me if a friend I had in high school that was a compulsive liar. His lies started out small, for instance, he always claimed Ralph Macchio was his cousin. He was not. We all knew this, as even though his parents would back up his claims in front of his friends (No wonder he had a lying problem) they

There was a bull riding event at MSG this weekend? Seriously?

We've already established that Belichick would step on his mother's neck to convert a 3rd down, so do this really shock anybody?