
How sad. Prince would've had a reason to live had Lemonade come out last week.

Favorite Fox News graphic:
Prince Dead. On the line with Joe Piscopo.

Slate, Atlantic Online, Guardian, Salon—all desperate for clicks. Good journalism? Not so much anymore.

How unfortunate.

In an era when much of mainstream comedy has been reduced to the alleged hilarity of bodily functions, it seems odd to exclude the shape of one's body, ears, etc. as an object of humor.

Older. I'm still ticked off the Ritz Brothers were ignored.

Stephen Boyd's slow clap.

Yeah. They could have given the job to Penelope Spheeris.

Doesn't have "Girl" in the title. Won't buy it.

It premiered at a Detroit grindhouse called the Colonial Theater. They changed the bill every Monday at midnight, so if you arrived at, say 7 pm, you could watch 6 movies between then and around dawn. At 2 a.m., they moved the entire audience from one side of the theater to the other, so that they could sweep/hose

Proof there is, indeed, too much scripted TV

Was Depp wearing prosthetics when he exited the birth canal?

2026: Amy announces run for Chuck's Senate seat.
2032: Amy hints presidential ambitions.
2033: Amy announces return to comedy.

"Sentient caps lock." Line of the decade!

They actually helped his act. His career will be all downhill from here.

Dear Mr. Burress: Please start wearing your glasses again! The wireless ones!

Next up: Beyonce tackles the Dred Scott decision.

Larry David: 10
Larry David as Bernie Sanders: 11

She does not want her tween fans to know she's 40 years old, which in their minds is "ick!"

You just outed Ned Nickerson!