
The safest thing is for everyone to follow people they know and like. That will make our superfan-troll obsolete. When I got back on Gawker tonight, he knew before I wrote one comment and he flooded me with 36 "recommends". He must be writing a script for each of us.

The one below is fake too...he's been hitting me up for a couple of days with my friends' fake accounts, weirdly recommending everything I say, LOL.

Another one...he's hitting me up with the one below now. Sick.

Somebody is also a fan of "LoveMeow"...

I'm gay but I worry about that too; I mean, I don't wanna have to prove I'm gay someday in court.

Drugs of all kinds are actually readily available in prison. It really is as if Karen Walker is the warden of every prison in America...that available, yes!

I believe he has Asperger's, which is why he speaks and acts the way he does. I'm not saying that explains the homicidal part of him, mind you.

Do you remember that episode of 30 Rock, right after Obama's first election, where "Toofer" suddenly finds that every white person he runs into in public is treating him like shit? Tina Fey explains to him that now that Obama's been elected, whites no longer felt any racial guilt. As usual, Mrs. Fey nailed it. For the

Most of the stories here are infuriating but yours is just beautiful.

I wasn't liking this kid but now I'm suddenly aroused...

Is it the little tiny trail of hair because that's what made me retch. It's like they posed a 12 year old and ordered him at gunpoint to be sexy.

I gave him a "recommend" just to seem smart..

Fate worse than death!

The fabulous Kerry Washington has pushed the disgusting Zoe Saldana out of my head. God-Allah-Jeesus, I know you will soon make Ms. Washington a huge movie star and have Zoe end up back on the CW!

You just said I used a hateful stereotype of "fashion queen" to respond to you...never mind.

Yup...I wouldn't be surprised if she comes out soon. As a hard-core Republican.

So in your head, calling someone a "fashion queen" is now equal to saying that gay men should not adopt children because it's icky? You really do have it all together...

She doesn't identify with her black side...the kind of answers she gives when asked if she identifies as Black make that clear.

God, it was so boring! Maybe if they hadn't made it 18 hours long!

Since "Mean Girls" is life, you are now her in my head.