
It is worse when it comes from your own; why do people pretend not to understand that? We have enough shit thrown at us by the Republicans and the Christian and Muslim zealots without having to put up with shit from self-loathing gay men (these assholes admitted they're parroting the teachings of the hate group known

You're doing it the hard way.

I would think Owl is easy to spell...

I always thought she came off cold, which is odd because most movie stars become movie stars because of their magnetism and warmth. Now that her coldness and dumbness have been confirmed, I have a reason to dislike her without feeling guilty about it.

Live in Oklahoma. Can confirm it's Satan's armpit.

Wasn't it? You never even saw the whale and the poor thing broke your heart, because of what they did to him. Of course they did what they did to have some remnant of the human race survive and they didn't want to remember what they did either. Great, awful episode. I'll never watch it again either.

What kind of Chinese restaurant closes at 9 PM? I've never heard of one closing before 2 AM, even here in the Boston area where everything else closes really early.

Actually, strippers generally make a lot of money but I get your overall point...

That's weird 'cause me and my roomie's fav delivery place, Harvard House of Pizza in Cambridge, Mass.(free advertising y'all), has the tip printed on the receipt...we order online and it always asks if you wanna tip and we do and we make sure the driver knows we tipped even though, again, it's right there on the

I'm guessing he thought you were a richie rich 'cause you were home at 2 PM.

And Dr. Who had a great episode about a space whale that the city of London was attached to. In space. In the far future. It sounds ridiculous but it was really rather sad, actually.

Or...he makes you feel so dang inadequate, making you realize that you'll never be as good a parent as he, that you decide right there and then to never have kids. Thanks Burneko!

On Mondays, I drive home like a maniac on Bath Salts, so I can pop the moscato and laugh and commiserate and laugh some more! God help any old ladies or children that get in my way on the roads of Boston and Cambridge! You know what's worse than being charged with vehicular manslaughter? Having to wait one more minute

They really are cute. Except when they're standing next to each other...then, they look like mother and child. Naomi has to be a foot taller than him, LOL.

C'mon now! You know that "foreign" means "London, England" to white-trash Amurrica! We're vaguely aware that there are countries in a galaxy far, far away that speak Wookie or something but who wants to do any mental work while watching an Adam Sandler disaster? Let's just keep going with the traditional rule that

Now playing

Nothing beats coming home after a long-ass day, taking a quick shower, getting OUT of the shower, popping some of your generous roommates painkillers, waiting a half hour and then pouring some nice, cheap moscato while listening to:

But he can't help himself! As Cookie said, he has mommy issues!

So do I & I'm not even a drag queen! Wow!

SNL (and January Jones) had the best ever take on the 50's housewife; still one of my favorite sketches ever!