
Not a single fucking thing about that race was “fair and square” 

If you have a job and refuse to do it, you deserve to be fired.

Fact #1: Assault Rifle - You’re abusing this word and it’s irresponsible journalism. Did the rifle have 3 round burst capability or full auto? No? Then it’s a SPORTING RIFLE. It is designed for civilian use, not military. It might LOOK miliscary, but it’s not. He didn’t raid a military truck and steal an M-16. And,

I’m not a racist. Some of my best racecars are black.

Slingfin 2Lite. Its very light weight, easy to set up, and has a good amount of room inside. I used this pack while hiking the AT and lived in it for four months, setting it up, sleeping in it, and packing it away almost every day. If something ever happened to it I would buy another one.

Slingfin 2Lite. Its very light weight, easy to set up, and has a good amount of room inside. I used this pack while

Slingfin 2Lite:

Slingfin 2Lite:

5) FA used to be a kickass site about military hardware, etc. Now it’s basically another Trump hit piece site that uses the thinnest ties to “National Security” in its articles as an excuse to justify writing them.

How about...


I mean, its early and I’m at work but...

It’s not homicide, nobody died.

We need more partisan political Gawker influence in Jalopnik. There hasn’t been enough since they were justifiably bankrupted.

Emails then? If you’re going to do election year click bait, why leave half of a fertile field fallow? Everyone’s picking the low hanging Trump fruit. Contrasting pieces on each candidate would be funnier.

Her emails on the other hand....

So then you’re planning a set for Hillary, right?

Annnnnnnd there goes the safe space from Trump-bait.

Here’s a hot take:

Good thing this car didn’t “suddenly swerve” and then the driver “didn’t care” about the consequences.

It’s impossible to destroy a Nokia phone.

Now playing

“This video will make you want to buy a chevy cavalier”