
Re: Celeste: Something that was explored well in the book though, was that while they were wealthy, she didn’t have money of her own. He had visbility and control over everything. So, she had money...but didn’t, if that makes sense. The way she’s caught in the book is via finances—he sees the money that was spent on

I recently read the book before I started the series and I REALLY, REALLY wish they had explored the classism of Celeste’s storyline like they did in the book.

Admittedly, I am the whitest of white ladies, but I appreciate that the model made a sincere and thoughtful apology.

The Ardrey Kell High School talent show: You pay for the whole seat, but you’ll only need the edge

So, you’re shutting down?

I’m sorry, is this not a Gawker-owned website?

That's some good journalism!

Major Upset

How incredibly unprofessional of you.

Wow that is amazing. “You are getting it for free, so what if it sucks” That is absolutely hilarious.

“It’s free so don’t complain when it’s bad” is really not the strongest defense against criticism, you have to admit.

Because it’s so gratifying when the writers come into the comments section to mean-girl anyone with anything remotely critical to say! No honestly, it’s because there are occasionally worthwhile discussions to be had with other commenters here about feminism, while you guys are busy trying to out-cool each other.

And I stand corrected by several replies. Bernie keeps sending me these emails saying he needs more money, so I thought he was broke!

Pretty sure Bernie has plenty of money:

I find that part of it weirder than the article, which has a good concept, but which executes maybe 6/10. But all the other writers comment about how cool it is. It’s just odd.

They really do. It’s very boring. I miss old Jezebel. This new era of articles about something someone did on Instagram interspersed here and there with shallow political coverage and smarmy clickbait is really not very fun.

Okay, the first time you guys used this conceit, it was hilarious. It gets exponentially less funny every time you do it again. Think of some new jokes, pls.

Yeah, stupid Hillary with her research and planning and policy and basically knowing all of her shit. It’s almost like there’s a ephemeral reason why she needs to always come off prepared and not wing it like the rest of the people in the election.

Ok, roll call!