istari rises

To look at the WENUS and not be happy.

This day will soon be at an end, and now it’s ... sooner still.

B-17 Flying Fortress

Long live Splinter and fuck VC vultures.

Holy fuck.

But I regret to inform you that here’s where it gets really stupid.

I’m still looking for someone to discuss the change in weapon mechanics between this release and the original. Having played through the original a couple months ago, I can say for sure that this mechanic was an important part of the puzzle-solving (making sure you had the correct two weapons/powers equipped for the

If this company if using previews as a profitability metric, they’re about a decade behind the times.

The notifications page is also now a complete, unmitigated disaster. It should not be so goddamned hard to provide a link directly to a response, for fuck’s sake.

I think the key point here is this from Salty:

I’m super disappointed McDonald’s isn’t going with Impossible instead of Beyond, because I much prefer McDonald’s over Burger King, but I also much prefer Impossible over Beyond.

I mean, a self own on your part is perfectly fine. Especially because it also means you know your first comment was fucking stupid (in addition to mocking the situation).

I wasn’t counting using those in my layperson’s moronic statement.

Thankfully this particular ruling has nothing to do with evaluating hangovers with respect employment or anything like that. This was specifically about whether or not companies could lie to consumers about whether or not their products cure or alleviate the signs/symptoms of hangovers, and a hangover is essentially

Yes exactly! I hate that it worked, but I’m probably going to have KFC for lunch now because of this.

I commented to NewBacon-ings above, but this isn’t correct. The problem is in assuming one has to aim for the middle of the uprights.

But see, this isn’t correct either, because aren’t the hashes in direct alignment with the goalposts? If they’re in alignment (Wikipedia says they are), then it doesn’t matter how close or far you are, the cut-off angle on the outside is effectively the same for that hash. The problem is kickers thinking they need to

As the resident Cardinals fan

I don’t think it needs to be cheaper than, or even the same price as, beef to catch on. But it definitely can’t be this much more expensive. I’d guess enough people would probably pay roughly 25-30% more for Impossible than beef to keep the company in business and allow for them to eventually get their prices down.