I clicked out of the article just as I finished reading your comment, but came back just to star you. Because dammit if this isn’t completely right-on!
I clicked out of the article just as I finished reading your comment, but came back just to star you. Because dammit if this isn’t completely right-on!
Kate absolutely DESTROYS this one!
Tyson can sit down, shut up, and listen to scientists with actual expertise relevant to the U.S.’s mass shooting epidemic.
I don’t know if anyone else mentioned this in the comments, but I’m fairly sure the reason Fitz and Simmons are separated is to limit the advantage the Chronicons have with their brains. Simmons repeatedly noted that she can’t know what Fitz is doing.
failed to abide by basic norms of decorum and order
Aww I kinda want to know Cameron now. They seem like such a potentially-ok person.
First of all,
All I know is, thanks to you I’m now craving a dipped Italian beef like a motherfucker and super pissed I have absolutely no way to get one anytime soon.
“The same as the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns.”
I would hazard a guess that the kinds of people who are really interested in Inslee’s climate change policies are also the kinds of people who strongly back the wide swath of far-left-for-U.S. policies held by Warren and Sanders (and, possibly, Harris). So they flock to those two (or three) and Inslee loses out.
Look, I’m almost certain I wouldn’t vote for him, but he’s got the right idea on hot dogs, so he definitely isn’t a complete Empty Suit.
“Maybe that’s what’s coming.”
If this show is going to ask us to cast aside Syd raping someone and pinning crimes on people in her past because she got to ‘grow up’ again via the astral plane and achieve redemption, then at the very least it should explore the possibility of redemption for David, whether realized or not.
Since some of the worst hangover symptoms are exacerbated by dehydration, your best bet is to drink more regular water with your alcohol. This isn’t about keeping from having a hangover, but rather about dramatically reducing the severity of hangover symptoms.
Your bullheadedness was never fun. But you were respectful, so you got honest refutations of your incorrect “logic.” No more.
As much as I like and appreciate your thoughtful replies, I feel like you’ve got a bit of a moving target sandwich definition to suit your needs. Your definition of “bread” not only includes leavening, but also a timeframe in when the bread is baked in the sandwich preparation. Seems a little nitpicky IMHO.
I didn’t change the rules on anything. Dough is not bread. A folded pizza is made flat with dough, not bread, and then folded over.