No, thank you! This was such an excellent write-up!
No, thank you! This was such an excellent write-up!
Thank you!
In a Masai village,
It’s not like the link for the supposed ecology risks is all that much better, given that it didn’t go through peer review and is basically a term paper in blog form.
I hope you realize, I wholeheartedly agree with you. On basically everything you’ve written.
Complete with an “Open Here” tab that only humans use.
instead of benefitting f*cking Navient
I’m sure the millions of individuals who have been murdered in genocides around the globe and through history appreciate your disingenuous characterization of noting actual real-world similarities among genocides as a mere “rhetorical tool.”
Then it’s a good thing we’re talking about similes, isn’t it?
Eliminating the hundreds of dollars that millions of people (including myself) have to pay companies like Navient every month is more money that people burdened by student debt have to say, save money for a house, or inject into the economy overall.
If the strongest argument any single commenter can come up with is essentially, “the patent system sucks,” maybe it’s time to take a step back and ask why you’re so hell-bent on focusing that argument squarely at all of genetic engineering, when it both applies only to a small subset of genetic engineering, and to so…
Those are the planes we’re seeing here, parked alongside people’s Priuses and Explorers.
This might actually be the Museum calling out one of their employees for having linked the concentration camps at the U.S.-Mexico border to Nazi concentration camps when trying, in bad faith, to tell Rep. Ocasio-Cortez to stop doing as much. I say this becuase, as AOC has said repeatedly, “concentration camp” as a…
Hey, great that you updated your article by including a link to the source’s main website!
My partner and I had toasted ravioli on a vacation in the PNW a couple weeks ago.
It suggests as a rule of thumb to put the back of your hand on the pavement for seven seconds before heading outside with your dog. If it’s too hot for the back of your hand, then it’s also too hot for paws.
Chuck Todd looks too much like Mike McLintock to me to take him seriously.