I’d love a gender-swappable Link. I wish they had left the avatar’s name still open (I don’t really think the series needs voice acting), but at the very least they could implement the ability to play as either a man or woman.
I’d love a gender-swappable Link. I wish they had left the avatar’s name still open (I don’t really think the series needs voice acting), but at the very least they could implement the ability to play as either a man or woman.
Came to say the same thing, but glad to see someone else already pointed it out.
Look at all that smashed garlic, completely inappropriate if it isn’t immediately added to whatever it’s going into, or when the instance calls for, say, sliced or rough-chopped garlic.
I’ve had pizza overseas.
They’re so bigoted, they go full-on bleached white before even being seen in public!
I don’t understand the problem.
Anyone who says they’re a perfectionist with no explanation or caveat- even if they are - aren’t aware of how much of a red flag that is. Shit never gets done, or never gets done on time. And neither outcome is helpful in really any environment.
I’m sorry you read into what Kellogg’s says, but “with apple” does not mean “tastes like apple.” Tell me how corn-like your Apple Jacks taste, will ya, since that’s a far more substantive ingredient in the cereal.
I’m fairly sure that this is because you’re right and Kate is wrong about the flavor. It’s cinnamon. They’re cinnamon-flavored, not apple-flavored.
Nice to know he’s consistently wrong about stuff.
A reminder for everyone, Benjamin Franklin isn’t the only non-president on U.S. paper currency. For the seven bills in circulation, 2 are of non-presidents (in bold):
So, you’re so embarrassed that you forgot about Alexander Hamilton on the $10 that you dismissed a comment that didn’t even attack you?
Sausage for sure.
But Millennials themselves may be partially to blame for the stigma: 31% of Millennials bosses say workers who take regular lunch breaks are less hard-working than those who don’t. Only 15% of Gen X bosses said the same.
Because killing unborn babies
Really? I saw that as him getting a little rattled by not getting the first Daily Double of the Double round, then getting A LOT rattled when he didn’t get the second.
That’s about the time ‘Boomers started hitting their 20s, right?
Deadspin’s article title was just as much of a dick move as Sports Illustrated’s. Just disappointment all around.