istari rises

I have absolutely nothing to add, except that this is incredible and I can’t stop laughing.

(Apologies for thinking you’d [general; collective] be more intelligent and knowledgeable)

Puerto Rico is asking to become a US state. In fact, political leaders have been asking for a clear path to statehood since the 1960s.

Well, not for nothing, but PR has repeatedly declared their desire for statehood, not independence. Here’s the top-sheet results from the most recent such declaration, by referendum.

(The whole point of the Domino theory in the 50s and 60s was that Communism would spread like dominoes falling; the name of the debunked theory came from Domino Effect)

Think it will bring down the Iron Curtain between the different types of delivered food?

If they didn’t keep him around, how would we ever get incredulous reporting of years-or-decades-old models and conceptualizations as if they were just discovered/supported/proposed last week?


Maybe you're done grinding it because you didn't vote for Hillary, but are too ashamed to admit it.


Pretty sure the real-world traditional weight has been around far longer...

I’m most interested in the pins, which previously weighed 0.1, but now weigh just 0.001 [lb] each.

Nah, Warren.

He’s definitely also opined "but my Mexican friend told me that joke."

You’re ignoring at least two verifiable facts that prove your position wrong. First, a continuing resolution that would have kept the government open was unanimously passed by the Senate, meaning Democrats did in fact vote in favor of it. Second, at the start of the shutdown, Republicans controlled both chambers of

Wait, I thought Rep. AOC wasn’t capable of being factual and accurate.

I mean, I agree with you, but...

I REALLY hope this means wagons will live on in the market for a while longer (and perhaps diversify). I desperately want one, but won’t be in a financial position to buy one for three or four more years.

Make sure you throw a couple “1”s in amongst the exclamation points, too.

What obscenity?