istari rises

And if we don’t give him the time, he’ll call every network partisan.

I’m gonna guess most of the extra 5% come from people who think they’re allergic to gluten and are the reason we get containers of salt marked “Gluten Free, with a smidge of people who think lactose intolerance is the same as a dairy allergy thrown in.

Ok, so now what? Now are we going to have players picking up balls at the seeming ends of plays to make sure there’s a definitive ‘recovery’? Is this going to conflict with unsportsmanlike conduct regs, since refs might think players are fucking around with the ball after the apparent ends of plays?

FYI thanks for updating your article to note the issue I pointed out, but leaving me in the grays without acknowledgement.

Rep. Tlaib really should have gone with daughterfucker.

These times aren’t UTC, but rather UTC-5:00, or EST. More than likely you lopped off the -5:00 part when copying.

I think it’s really funny you think federally recognized tribes are the same thing as the “Native communities” I specifically referred to.

Ironically, Warren’s emphasis on a shitty DNA test is the largest piece of evidence yet that she’s not Native American.

Wow, it’s almost as if both those politicians had good ideas and AOC represents the new wave of support for a platform built out of the best of them. As it should be.

Well, at least some Pac-12 teams pulled out bowl wins...

I was gonna respond to you by saying that Trump’s probably TomatoFace - or whatever the persona is called - but that troll shows too much intelligent creativity for it to be him.

There really is no arguing with this. The hit wasn’t in Burrow’s back and Burrow was about to attempt a hit on Moore.

Why should Democrats give one single dollar to Trump’s vanity project?

Ok I’m dense.

Super happy to see these two comments right next to each other.

Was it just Alonso who got ejected? Or can we get a list?

Thank you for highlighting this!

I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one in this world who completely hates raw tomatoes!

My favorite is Michiganeer.