Why can’t Brother have taken Leslie’s fetus as his host, rather than her pregnancy being a result of procreation with Jonah? IIRC, all Xavin said was that Leslie was carrying royalty, not that the royalty is a human-alien hybrid like Karolina.
Why can’t Brother have taken Leslie’s fetus as his host, rather than her pregnancy being a result of procreation with Jonah? IIRC, all Xavin said was that Leslie was carrying royalty, not that the royalty is a human-alien hybrid like Karolina.
Yeah, I thought that was telegraphed pretty clearly. Any time we see Stacey not wearing glasses on her nose, it's a moment where the alien is running things.
I’m with you here
Maybe it’s just me, but this fake conversation article format is... weird.
That Dreamcast is a sight to behold, Fahey! I’m glad you finally got one!
I do believe the issue isn’t that Trump told the truth to a kid who you’ve deemed old enough to know that truth (whether or not you’re right, or whether or not you even get to make the call in the first place, is debatable).
This seems like exactly the kind of thing that shouldn’t be available during a shutdown. Not because I think it’s a waste or that it’s not something that should even exist (I absolutely love the fact that NORAD “tracks” Santa every year!), but because I think the shitty people cheering on this stupid shutdown…
Love that the one staff-approved comment on this article so far is bitching about “liberal trolls.”
Tonight it’s clam chowder, but with half of it separated out when it’s time to add the clams. Why, you ask? Because I think they’re disgusting and I’m finally the adult that gets to make this decision.
Hilariously, Wikipedia is maybe the one site on the internet that has his birth year and age listed correctly.
There are so many additional questions that come from the supposed original article. I say supposed, because it looks like the text of the entire original article, save for a couple sentences, has been replaced to be about a shitty extreme-right politician’s views on war and the Bible.
Yes, some are. A very, very, VERY small percentage of them are.
I’d be happy if Subway’s slide continues, after having ended the $5 Footlong strategy.
I still ultimately agree with him, for one very important reason. Doctors fail the biggest test of being a scientist: contributing generalizable knowledge.
Here’s the new (granted, entirely off-topic-for-The-Takeout) question to ask:
But also, physicians aren’t automatically scientists either. So there’s that.
Happy Holidays Gwen! Have an excellent vacation!
This is brilliant!
Your description of a ravioli is incorrect; the crimping along all its edges shows that it is two surfaces pressed together.