You think the Greeks had a full democracy?
One of my most unpopular opinions:
How “great” would it be if his blog was forced into Kinjaverse and there would be an actual comments section there?
Kwa Afya!
It was for this kid, but what about the likely thousands others who face constant bullying and often threats just as bad? Will they get their relocation crowd-sourced?
There are any number of reasons why his room might be locked, but it’s really unlikely he locked himself out. In most eastern African countries at least, most hotels have rooms that are locked with a physical key basically at all times, and the lock requires the key to lock and unlock on the inside too. So you can’t…
Ok, c’mon, that’s way too far into the article! Arnheim shouldn’t be expected to read that far in! If it isn’t in, like, the first sentence, is it really all that much of an issue that they got it wrong?
I’ll take those jabs, thank you very much. I’m not the one who mixed up two drastically different countries in a way that’s commonly seen as an indication of subtle racism, despite having a high level of education.
I can’t tell if, at the beginning, the person filming is saying someone’s name (it sounds like “Chege” to me, which is a name), but later he’s telling Francis (the guy being attacked) “wacha kupige,” meaning roughly, “don’t hit (him).” Then later he says, “Francis, umpige. Toka, toka mbele yake,” which, in Uganda,…
Don’t you know? All African countries are identical and interchangeable. Even ones thousands of miles apart.
I like this story. That is all.
Yeah this judge is shit.
This is a super weird business you’ve decided to be obsessively defending, asmallcat.
I seriously doubt they’re moving towards an acquittal. More than likely there's just one or two mouthbreathers saying Not Guilty because they're Trump fans.
during my hourly Craigslist Jeep search
You really are a charlatan, because The Sheriff wouldn’t rub salt in such a painful PNW wound!
created 700,000 new jobs for African-Americans